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Our story

Well hey, my name is Tialyn, and the one on the left below is my older brother Sheldon. The other 2 blokes are our cousin Mackenzie and Mate, Aiden who helped us with our first photoshoot!

So together, we run ClipSocks Company. Our story begins in a charming town called Samford village, that seems to be perpetually bathed in sunshine—a town that's witnessed the birth of our venture.

One bright Saturday morning, we find ourselves nestled in the comfort of our family home. I'm venting my daily frustration of sorting through a pile of freshly washed socks, struggling to find their matching pairs and laying them all over the table.

Then when passing Sheldon after giving up, and threatening my single pairs that "I'll throw them all out if their mates don't turn up today!" Sheldon then paused and contemplates for a moment and says, "There has to be a better way, I have the same problem every week, and so does everyone else..." 

"Well I've tried folding them before I put them in," I responded

"But they don't wash properly, or dry fully" He finished my sentence for me after trying the same thing months ago..

"We need something that clips them together at the top somehow..."

BAM! That's when it hits us—a simple yet ingenious idea: clips that snap together after you take them off, so you can simply throw them in your washing and they would stay together all the way until you unclip them and put them back on as clean socks the next week.

"In that moment of inspiration, ClipSocks was conceived. We dedicate ourselves to this idea, pouring our hearts and souls into crafting the perfect clip & sock that would revolutionize sock management and the world.

The next six months were a whirlwind of excitement and hard work. We test our product samples rigorously, going back and forth with manufacturers to refine the design, ensuring it meets our vision of the perfect sock clip and lasting thick yet breathable sock that doesn't get holes in it!

Our dream is to solve the age-old problem of lost socks globally. We envision ClipSocks not just as a convenient solution, but as a movement—a way to reduce waste, save time, and simplify the lives of people around the world. We want to make it affordable and accessible to everyone.

Did you know that there is actually about 39 Billion Pairs or 78 Billion indevidual socks produced each year? Yes that's Billion with a B!

And we did the math, from a bunch of research, with the average person losing about 10-15 individual socks per year it equates to a staggering 68.8 Billion lost socks per year. That's not even mentioning throwing out the crappy socks that get holes in them within 3 months... or the old ones that lose their elasticity...

To give some context, that's enough socks to wrap around the earth around 9,076 times! It's enough socks to fill the Sydney Opera house 16,000 times.... and that's PER YEAR!

That's like 1.7million tonnes just going to landfill and wasted in the environment This is crazy... just from lost socks...

We really created this for ourselves, and then realised hey this is a massive problem for nearly everyone... It's funny how a little improvement to an everyday product can make such a difference in our lives, making it that little bit easier, little bit more peaceful. No more lost socks, no more frustration—just neatly paired, ready-to-wear socks every time.

But we couldn't have a business without the people our socks are for... So thank you to each and every one of you. And as always, please reach out to us and let us know how you think we can improve, we truly want to create the best sock company in the world. But we need your help along the way, so any small little share, comment, review, or like helps us tremendously! 

We remain grounded, always cherishing that hallway conversation that sparked our incredible journey, yet pushing to be the best we can be, with the best products we can put out, changing the world, one sock at a time.

Signing off for now, Thanks again, and we look forward to hearing from you soon :)

Tialyn & Sheldon.