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Terms Of Use

Terms of Use and Terms & Conditions

Welcome to Clip Socks Company's website at (the "Site"). By accessing and using the Site, you confirm your acceptance of these Website Terms of Use and agree to be bound by them. Your use of this Site is subject to the following terms and conditions:

1. Definitions

"Associate" has the meaning given in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). "Australian Consumer Law" means the Australian Consumer Law as contained in Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth). "Consequential Loss" includes, without limitation, loss of profits, loss of revenue, loss of data, lost production, loss of business, loss of the benefit of any contract or other agreement or arrangement, losses which do not arise naturally from a breach of contract in the usual course, damage to reputation, damage to property, downtime costs, and legal costs. "Intellectual Property Rights" means all industrial and intellectual property rights throughout the world, including all rights in association with copyright, trademarks (whether registered or not), patents, patent applications, eligible circuit layouts, moral rights, service marks, trade names, registered designs, unregistered design rights, know-how, trade secrets, domain names, internet addresses, and confidential information. "Clip Socks Company," "we," "us," and "our" refer to Clip Socks Company.

2. General Restrictions and Use of Information

(a) If you order any Products or register for club membership, you warrant and represent that you are at least 18 years of age.

(b) You must purchase Products and club memberships for your own personal use. You may not further distribute or re-sell any Products.

(c) All information that you provide to us in relation to any Product order or club membership must be accurate, current and complete. We reserve the right to block further sales to you if you provide us with false, inaccurate or incomplete information, or if you breach these Terms for Supply or our Website Terms of Use.

(d) You may not reproduce any artwork or designs appearing on any of our Products for any purpose.

(e) By accessing the Site, you agree to the following restrictions:

  • You will not engage in data scraping of the Site, either manually or through the use of web spiders, web robots, or any other web crawling or technology.
  • You must not introduce viruses, bugs, defects, or other technologically harmful or malicious materials to the Site.
  • You will not use the Site for any illegal purpose, including but not limited to accessing data unlawfully, probing, scanning, or testing the vulnerability of a system or network, or forging TCP/IP packet headers or email information.

3. Ordering

(a) You must check that the details of any order placed via this Site are complete and accurate before they are submitted.

(b) We are not bound to fill any order. If we are unable to supply you with any Products ordered we will inform you and offer you a choice of a refund or a substitute Product.

(c) If you wish to cancel an order before it has been shipped, please email us at Orders that have been shipped cannot be cancelled.

(d) Products will not be shipped until we receive full payment in cleared funds. The price for Products will be as stipulated on our website at the time of ordering. Shipping and handling charges may be extra.

4. Delivery

(a) Products will be posted to the address specified in your order.

(b) Timeframes for delivery and delivery charges will vary depending upon the availability of Products and your address. Any delivery dates provided are estimates only.

(c) Products will be your responsibility and risk from the time they are posted to the address you provide to us when ordering. You are responsible for ensuring that someone is present to accept delivery.

5. Club Membership

(a) Club membership is only available for Australian and New Zealand residents.

(b) If you register for club membership Products will be delivered to you at the frequency you nominate when you sign up, in exchange for payment of the total amount (including shipping and handling fees) quoted on our Site for membership when you sign up.

(c) If any shipments are delayed, we reserve the right to delay shipping, with subsequent communication over issuing a refund.

6. Intellectual Property Rights

Copyright and other Intellectual Property Rights related to the Site (including text, graphics, photographs, logos, designs, and software) are owned or licensed by Clip Socks Company.

You are granted a non-exclusive license to access, view, download, and print the Site's content for personal use only. Except as expressly granted, your use of the Site does not confer any rights in relation to the Intellectual Property Rights of Clip Socks Company or any third parties.

You may not use any of Clip Socks Company's trademarks, adapt, reproduce, store, print, distribute, republish, broadcast, or create derivative works from any part of the Site or its content, or commercialize any information or content obtained from the Site without our written permission. Do not remove or delete any Intellectual Property Rights ownership notices from materials downloaded from the Site.


7. Contributions

If you submit or post any reviews, comments, feedback, ideas, suggestions, content, or materials on this Site ("Contributions"), you must comply with the following standards:

  • Contributions must be accurate and comply with applicable laws.
  • Contributions must not contain defamatory, obscene, hateful, inflammatory, discriminatory, or illegal material.

8. Security

You acknowledge and agree that any Contributions or transmitted information via this Site are at your sole risk. We do not guarantee the security of